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Double Smile Dental Clinic

Blog-enInteresting information about the mouth and teeth

Interesting information about the mouth and teeth

Before & After

1. What are teeth? Teeth are special organs that grow from the outer tissue (Ectoderm), like the skin or scales of fish. There are 2 sets of teeth: permanent teeth and deciduous teeth. Which has a similar structure as follows:

– Enamel is the outermost and hardest part of the tooth. Serves to support the weight of chewing. It has a crystalline structure. There are no blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, it is the part that is not felt. When the tooth begins to decay, there is no pain.

– The dentin layer (Dentine) is the part next to it. It consists of many small tubes, which house the sensory nerves. Therefore, when tooth decay reaches this level The patient will begin to experience tooth sensitivity.

– Pulp is the space inside the tooth. It is the home of the nerves. and blood vessels that nourish the teeth Its function is to sense hot, cold, pain, and pain in cases where tooth decay has reached this level. Will not be able to fill the tooth.

– The gingival crevice is the groove between the tooth and the gum edge. Normally there will be a thin edge. It has a depth of approximately 2 millimeters, but if there is
– Gingivitis
Or is it a tambourine? There may be swelling. Make this groove deeper. and can cause more inflammation

– Gums (Gingiva) are the tissue that covers the teeth. and jaw bone

– Tooth root coating (Cementum)
It is a thin layer covering the tooth pulp at the root area. It differs from enamel in that it is less strong. Normally embedded in the bone But if there are receding gums or develop leukemia This may cause this part to come into contact with water and air. Can cause tooth sensitivity. Alveolar bone is the part of bone that supports the tooth root.

2. What are the benefits of each tooth?

– Incisor Teeth are located at the front. There are 8 teeth in total. They function for biting food.

Canine Teeth (CanineTeeth) are the teeth with the longest roots. There are 4 teeth in total and are very strong. The tip is pointed. They serve to cut, tear, and separate food.

– Premolar or Bicuspid Teeth are found only in permanent teeth. Shaped like molars but smaller, there are 8 teeth in total. They function in chewing food together with the molars.

– Molar teeth are the largest teeth in the mouth. very important Because in addition to helping in chewing food It also works with the canine teeth to control the direction of jaw movement.

Ramindra Orthodontics Orthodontic treatment in Minburi. Every tooth is well arranged. Come get your teeth done with us at Double Smile Dental Clinic that will make your smile double.

  Dr. Wit is a dentist specializing in orthodontics. With more than 12 years of orthodontic experience and more than 10,000 cases through the hands of doctors, we are very ready to provide you with the best advice and service. With knowledge and experience in direct treatment Make it no matter what kind of problem case it is. Dr. Wit is able to provide the correct treatment. effective and see clear results Without having to run out of money and unnecessary treatment time Most importantly, Dr. Wit is also extremely kind.


Anyone who is interested but may not dare to say hello to consult. You can visit to make a decision. Website : which in addition to various information That’s interesting then. There are also many sample cases that have passed through the hands of doctors at Double smile dental clinic for you to see as well! “Which orthodontic doctor is good? Which doctor is good for implants? Which doctor is good for veneers? Especially for customers in the Ramintra, Minburi, Bangkapi zone.” Double Smile Dental Clinic is the answer. If interested, inquire or make an appointment to consult with the doctor for free! See you then..


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Facebook : Double Smile Dental Clinic คลินิกทันตกรรมดับเบิลสไมล์ ทำฟัน จัดฟัน
Instagram :doublesmiledentalclinic
Youtube : Double Smile Dental Clinic
Tik tok : @doublesmile.dentalclinic
Website :
Line official : @dsdc
Tel : 087-650-9999 หรือ 065-147-6999

Open every day from 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Double Smile Dental Clinic (in Caltex station Ramindra, km. 14, opposite Setthabutbamphen School) 72/5 Ramindra Road, Minburi Subdistrict, Minburi District, Bangkok 10510

Ramindra Orthodontics Orthodontic treatment in Minburi. Every tooth is well arranged. Come get your teeth done with us at Double Smile Dental Clinic that will make your smile double.

  Dr. Wit is a dentist specializing in orthodontics. With more than 12 years of orthodontic experience and more than 10,000 cases through the hands of doctors, we are very ready to provide you with the best advice and service. With knowledge and experience in direct treatment Make it no matter what kind of problem case it is. Dr. Wit is able to provide the correct treatment. effective and see clear results Without having to run out of money and unnecessary treatment time Most importantly, Dr. Wit is also extremely kind.


Anyone who is interested but may not dare to say hello to consult. You can visit to make a decision. Website : which in addition to various information That’s interesting then. There are also many sample cases that have passed through the hands of doctors at Double smile dental clinic for you to see as well! “Which orthodontic doctor is good? Which doctor is good for implants? Which doctor is good for veneers? Especially for customers in the Ramintra, Minburi, Bangkapi zone.” Double Smile Dental Clinic is the answer. If interested, inquire or make an appointment to consult with the doctor for free! See you then..


Contact us

Facebook : Double Smile Dental Clinic คลินิกทันตกรรมดับเบิลสไมล์ ทำฟัน จัดฟัน
Instagram :doublesmiledentalclinic
Youtube : Double Smile Dental Clinic
Tik tok : @doublesmile.dentalclinic
Website :
Line official : @dsdc
Tel : 087-650-9999 หรือ 065-147-6999

Open every day from 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Double Smile Dental Clinic (in Caltex station Ramindra, km. 14, opposite Setthabutbamphen School) 72/5 Ramindra Road, Minburi Subdistrict, Minburi District, Bangkok 10510